
Del Myers Improving The Scalability of Tools Incorporating Sequence Diagram Visualizations of Large Execution Traces, M.Sc. Thesis, University of Victoria, 2011

Del Myers, Margaret-Anne Storey, Using Dynamic Analysis to Create Trace-focused User Interfaces for IDEs, Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), 2010

Del Myers, Margaret-Anne Storey, Martin Salois, P. Charland, Utilizing Debug Information to Compact Loops in Large Execution Traces, European Conference on Software Maintenance and Re-engineering (CSMR), 2010

Del Myers, Elizabeth Hargreaves, Jody Ryall, Suzanne Thompson, Marilyn Burgess, Daniel German, Margaret-Anne Storey, Developing Marking Support Within Eclipse, Eclipse Technology Exchange and Workshop (eTX), 2004

Jennifer Baldwin, Del Myers, Margaret-Anne Storey, Yvonne Coady, Assembly Code Visualization and Analysis: An Old Dog CAN Learn New Tricks, Workshop on Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools (PLATEAU), 2009

Chris Bennett, Del Myers, Margaret-Anne Storey, Daniel German, D. Ouellet, Martin Salois, P. Charland, A Survey and Evaluation of Tool Features for Understanding Reverse-engineered Sequence Diagrams, Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution (JSME), 2008

Chris Bennett, Del Myers, Margaret-Anne Storey, Daniel German, Working with 'Monster' Traces: Building a Scalable, Usable, Sequence Viewer, International Workshop on Program Comprehension through Dynamic Analysis (PCODA), 2007

Margaret-Anne Storey, Jody Ryall, R. Ian Bull, Del Myers, Janice Singer, TODO or To Bug: Exploring How Task Annotations Play a Role in the Work Practices of Software Developers, 30th International Conference on Software engineering (ICSE), 2008

Margaret-Anne Storey, Li-Te Cheng, Janice Singer, M. Muller, Del Myers, Jody Ryall, How Programmers can Turn Comments into Waypoints for Code Navigation, International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM), 2007

Margaret-Anne Storey, Jeff Michaud, Marcellus Mindel, Mary Sanseverino, Daniela Damian, Del Myers, Daniel German, Elizabeth Hargreaves, Improving the Usability of Eclipse for Novice Programmers, Eclipse Technology eXchange Workshop (eTX), 2003